Title IA Improving the Academic Achievement of Disadvantaged

Part A: Improving Basic Programs operated by Local Education Agencies.


Title I, Part A provides federal dollars to help supplement educational opportunities for children who live in high poverty areas who are most at risk of failing to meet the state's challenging content and performance standards. There are two types of programs: Targeted Assistance and School wide. Bloomfield School's Title IA programs are District –Wide Prek-12.  School wide programs use funds to improve the entire program of the school so that all are impacted. Title IA has a Parent Advisory Council comprised of parents of students being served by the program. The funding the district receives in Title IA is used for salaries for teachers, and educational assistants, a parent involvement program, staff development and supplies. The Title I office uses federal funds to assist schools with the development and implementation of school plans that strategically focus on closing the achievement gap and increasing student achievement. These plans may include hiring additional staff, providing effective professional development opportunities, offering tutorial services, purchasing materials and supplies or promoting parental and community involvement programs. Supplemental resources, such as these, target the unique educational needs of each school creating positive learning opportunities. Parents should be encouraged to participate in PAC (Parent Advisory Committees) at each site.


2024-2025 Update

Parents Right to Know

Title I schools must meet federal regulations related to teacher qualifications and state assessments as defined in the ESEA (Elementary and Secondary Education Act) and ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act).

Parents have a right to know:

The qualifications of their child's teacher.

Information on the level of achievement of their child.

If their child is being taught by someone who is not "highly qualified" and will be in that position for four or more weeks.

The school's parent policy and have input in the decisions that make up the school's policy.

How your child's school is performing amongst other schools in New Mexico. 

For more information, follow the NMPED link



The Title I Annual Parents Right to Know Notification documents describe a parent's right to know and request their child's teacher qualifications and state assessment information.


Bloomfield School District Title I schools are fully committed to helping your child develop the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in school and beyond. We appreciate your support and partnership as we work to provide the best education for your child. If you have any questions regarding the above information, please contact your school's principal.


Bloomfield Early Childhood Center: PreK - K


With the District re-organization, BECC will house 10 sections of Preschool and 10 all-day Kindergarten programs. In the school-wide program, BECC will continue to use Title IA funding to support the academic achievement of Kindergarten students through staff development, tutoring, and remediation plans. We plan to increase opportunities for parental involvement and family literacy activities in our new Early Childhood facility.


Pre-Kindergarten students are screened using the First Step screening instrument and the DECA for Social-Emotional assessment. Our District uses a "single-point of referral" model. Following screening, students may qualify for Head Start placements, further assessment for developmental delays, or tuition placements for students who are typically developing. Title IA funding allows us to place at-risk and low income students who do not qualify for any of the other services. (Our District Pre-School program has been cited by the Public Education Department of New Mexico as a model for use of inclusionary funds and meeting the needs of all students.)


Blanco Elementary: 1 -6


Our School-wide plan addresses the focus areas of: Attendance, Reading, Writing, Language and Math. It is revised annually with parent and community input. SASI is used as a tracking system to closely monitor Attendance and to contact parents. Reading Strategy Groups address specific skills at individual student levels stressing phonemic awareness, phonics, decoding, sight words, vocabulary, and comprehension. Students are instructed and assessed in the "Six Traits of Writing" with their compositions presented at our annual "Young Writers Fair". Vocabulary, grammar structure and conventions are addressed in all content areas to improve the needs of ELLs in Language Arts. Math instruction is devoted to increase student application of math to real-life situations with emphasis on skill development, computation, problem-solving, self-checking, and mental math. Tutoring is offered after school for Reading, Language Arts, and Math. Staff development is emphasized for all Teachers and Educational Assistants to meet our programs and curriculum objectives. Title IA funds are use to purchase materials, books, and supplies for Reading and Math.


Central Primary School: 1-3


Central Primary utilizes a school-wide program that provides: additional resources and assistance to enhance reading skills, a literacy resource specialist to support teachers, students and parents, instruction appropriate to student instructional level, and staff development support as determined by student and staff needs. The following activities support the goal areas: twenty minutes TWI reading, funding for materials, reading incentive programs, parent education in the areas of literacy, educational assistants in first grade classrooms, a two and half hour language arts block and opportunities for staff to participate in literacy training to improve instruction. Interventions are provided to at risk students identified through site collected data and teacher recommendations.


Naaba Ani Elementary School: 4-6


The school-wide Title IA programs supports the school's focus on reading, language arts, mathematics, technology, attendance and parent involvement. Increasing student achievement in the areas of reading, language, and mathematics by addressing individual student needs provides the basic framework from which all other goals in the school-wide plan are developed. A collaborative effort between students, parents and teachers is emphasized and supported through a variety of staff and parent involvement opportunities. The focus on reading is seen in the placement of educational assistants in the classroom during 2 1/2-hour language arts block to assist the teacher in providing small group instruction, a full-time literacy specialist to help teachers develop specific skills to teach reading, and a computer lab devoted to developing reading and writing literacy.


Mesa Alta, Bloomfield High School, and CYB 8-12


The school-wide Title IA programs supports the school's focus on reading, language arts, mathematics, technology, attendance and parent involvement. Increasing student achievement in the areas of reading, language, and mathematics by addressing individual student needs provides the basic framework from which all other goals in the school-wide plans are developed. A collaborative effort between students, parents and teachers is emphasized and supported through a variety of staff and parent involvement opportunities. The focus on reading, math and science is seen as a placement of educational and career readiness supports for all students at this secondary level.

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